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Three in Thirty

February Review and New March Goals for #3in30

Each month I am picking a goal that will help me grow in my relationship with the Lord, participate in social media, and get my home and/or personal life more organized. I was able to complete two of the three February goals.  I was able to read a chapter of Proverbs almost every morning.  I posted weekly on either this site or my other site Practical Faith for Everyday Life.  The 10:30pm bedtime was…well…pitiful, actually. I made it to bed by 11:00-11:30pm only three times. Evidently 10:30 is just not realistic for me at this time.

For March I plan to

  • Add a daily scripture confession time from my God’s Creative Power series by Charles Capps.
  • Adopt a set time in my schedule for computer/ blogging time.
  • Be in bed by 11:30pm.  If I am successful, I may back up the time by 15mins each month until I get to my ideal bedtime.
I am so glad to have the encouragement and support from my fellow #3in30 friends.  Good luck, Ladies!

5 thoughts on “Three in Thirty

  1. If you read my blog last month or the one before, you know I understand about the bedtime all too well!!! I’m still working on it, too, but just couldn’t bear to document my failure another month.

    Congratulations on your other goals last month and best wishes for this one!

  2. Bedtime is such a tough thing for moms, it seems! I know I love that quiet time so much, it’s just hard to make it end! Of course I pay for it the next day… I think your bit by bit plan is very reasonable and achievable. Good for you!

  3. We have the same goals (setting aside time for blogging). I think I may invoke the no phone rule during this time. I can’t wait to hear how you do this week.

  4. Great goals, I love that we’re all setting priorities for blogging and setting aside certain times for that. Eager to see how you do!!!

  5. Wonderful, manageable goals 🙂 I think we are all struggling with bedtime – I try so hard to get to be early, but something always seems to pop up!

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